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Run Away

You were difficult boy,
Bad business brought you the joy
You played your dirty tricks,
And run away - weeks by weeks

And people thought it was
Simple children's prank,
But you became a real punk.
And when policemen came
And you were faced the gun
All you could do was to run

Run, run away,
Run away from heavy law
From the severe trial.
Day by day your fortune
Helps you to escape
Till one day - when you will fail!
Year by year - you have grown
The army broke your street crown
Soldier now - ex-crime king
To be so cool on the ring

And now you realize
Who you really are
But too late - you have gone so far
And when deadly bullet flies
You have no any chance
Now to run you'd pay high expense

Run, run away,
Run away from heavy law
From the severe trial.
You can't run from bullet
Here is Judgment day,
Day has come and you have failed!

Music and lyrics: Dmitry Petrov
